|| C-Script || v2.5 FINAL Final release 10/14/96 Welcome to C-Script. SethD proudly presents || C-Script || C=Clean, Christian, and Comprehensive || C-Script || (c)1996 SethD. For mIRC v4.6 or later. ***** Note: If you can please read the C-Script25.doc instead of this text document. Its a lot nicer looking ;) ***** I hope that all who use this script understand the meaning of John 3:16 Contents Section 1 1.1 Overview 1.2 Installation 1.3 Features Section 2 2.1 Commands 2.2 Access Levels 2.3 Link Bots 2.4 Spy Bot 2.5 Nick Collider Bots Section 3 3.1 Disclaimer 3.2 Comments and Bug reporting 3.3 Maintenance 1.1 Overview C-Script 2.5 is a script I have made with parts from FeArBoT 4.0(c) and FeArBoT 5.0(c) (Copyright 1996 FeAr Development Corp.) but added a LOT of my own ideas and deleted a lot of things I didn't think other Christians would like. First right off, this is a complex script with a lot of features. It should be used by someone with some Script experience. It contains very advanced mIRC programming, so please be sure you know what you are doing. Please look through all the user and bot ini files so you can become familiar with what the script can do. Like the saying goes "Don't run any scripts you Do Not fully understand!" C-Script provides it's user with plenty of commands and outstanding protection from "Text Floods, Action Floods, Invite Floods, Nick Floods, CTCP Floods and DCC Floods." This script performs best on DALnet, as you will see when you look over the script. C-Script was created with VERY special thanks to Joe Vitale (vital@erols.com) for letting me use some features in his FeArBoT v4.0. FeArBoT v4.0 was rated #1 script for its GREAT and ADVANCED features. FeArBoT v4.0 is available for downloading at http://www.erols.com/vital/ . 1.2 Installation Setup for 16bit use ( Windows 3.1 ) 1.Extract the file C-Script.zip into a temporary directory on your hard drive. 2. Copy mirc.exe and mirc.hlp to this temporary directory 3.Double-click on the file C-Script16.bat, this will begin the installation for C-Script and set the files in the directories they need to be placed for proper operation. 4.Connect to IRC!! (Note: you may need to load the ALL files the begin with CU, CU meaning C-Script User.) The directory c:\C-Script will be made on your hard drive. Do not rename this directory or move it to another location, if you do C-Script will not work correctly. 5 copies of mIRC.exe will also be placed in the directory c:\C-Script. *********** NOTICE *********** Windows 3.1 or 3.11 users will have to do a little editing in the CUpops (ie. .&Start C-Bot:/run c:\C-Script\mirc32.exe c-bot.ini) to get the bots to work. Where is says mirc32.exe under C-Bot, change it to mirc2.exe. Under Collider, change it to mirc3.exe. Under Spy-Bot change it to mirc4.exe ect. Bugs Could it be?? Well, I have gotten allot of reports on the 16 bit version giving GPF (General Protection Fault) errors. I believe this is quite possibly true cause of the amount of DDE C-Script uses to communicate. Here is a few helpful hints on fixing this problem: The dde server in C-Script was set at 0 ms's for the fastest preformance between commands. Well, it seems mirc.exe (16 bit) has trouble at this fast speed so what you can do is... Go to the GENERAL OPTIONS section and then the SERVERS TAB and set the DDE delay to 200 ms. That will most likely solve your problem. If you continue to have problems with the server numerics, which are used for the /whois and /scan features, and the ABOVE suggestion didn't work then go ahead and turn the RAW SECTION OFF. There is a check mark in the RAW section next to LISTENING just remove it. If you continue to have problems you can ask the people in #mIRC, otherwise your system may not be suitable for DDE use. If nothing seems to help you and you think it might be something else then send me an email at: sdavis@midtenn.net NO MORE EDITING FOR 32-bit USERS!! Setup for 32bit use ( Windows 95 ) 1.Extract the file C-Script.zip into and temporary directory on your hard drive. 2. Copy mirc32.exe and mirc.hlp to this temporary directory 3.Double-click on the file C-Script32.bat, this will begin the installation for C-Script and set files in the proper directories needed for correct operation. 4.Connect to IRC!! (Note: you may need to load all files that begin with CU, CU meaning C-Script User.) The directory c:\C-Script will be made on your hard drive. Do not rename this directory or move it to another location, if you do C-Script will not work correctly. A copy of mIRC32.exe will also be placed in the directory c:\C-Script. 1.2 Some Features NEW for Version 2.0 and 2.5! : * Designed for mIRC version 4.6 ONLY! * New Floods = /sendbomb /chatbomb and /echobomb are new nasty floods! * Fake and Ghost stuff = /finvite /fakedcc /ghost and /fchan will create fake invites, dccs, and channels! * Easy DCC Cloning = Type /chatclone (/dns will give you the servers ip. Type /longip to get the long ip. Port is the port you are currently on. Type //echo $dde mirc serverport "" if you arent sure. It will show :) When you do this you will DCC Chat yourself - accept it. On the first line type "user anything anything anything anything" and on the second line type "nick {any nick}" and you'll see it connect you to the server. You can have many DCC clones up at once! Great for flooding! Note: This is done through the servers RAW, commands will be a little different. Eg. /nick would be just nick, /msg would be privmsg. Type help in the chat to get a list of full commands. * UNIX time translater! = Most numbers in that form in IRC are in UNIX time format. For example: 842756157 is the number of seconds since January 1, 1970 at 12:00am. To translate UNIX time, type /translate . * When you PING someone it will echo their ping time and give the pinged user a notice saying what their ping time was! * Whois is echoed to your active window! * Will warn you when an IRCop is present! (through whois) * NEW Coder/Decoder!! = Type: /code this will send a coded msg to a channel or query window, then the other user(s) has to copy/paste it with decode infront of it: /decode Ex: /code quiet isn't it! This is sent to the channel: 1/2 ƶ' ! [C-C] Anyone who has C-Script can then copy/ paste it and type: /decode 1/2 ƶ' ! [C-C] Resulting in: (echoed) quiet isn't it! [C-C] [C-Script Decoded] There you have it :) * Scan command! = Type /scan <#channelname> To get a full list readout of Ops, People, NonOps, IRCops, and MUCH more! * Numppl command = Type /numppl to get the number of people in a channel. * Complete Ignore = Press the F5 key and EVERYONE is ignored (Good for when you are being flooded) F6 undoes the ignore. * C-BoT now can act as an online mailbox = Type /msg [bot] +mail or /msg [bot] +mailhelp for help on mail. * Nick Collider = Will collide with anyone who changes a nick on your channel, More on this feature later. * Spy Bot = Yes they finally made one :) * Link Bots = They basically set themselves up. * Everything is in DDE = Which means you never have to know your bot's nick to control it. You don't even have to be in it's channel. All you do is highlight a nick in the channel names list and use the pops to control the bot. DDE will handle the rest. * Flood Protection = It's almost impossible to flood C-Bot off. And it's even harder to flood off the it's master. * Nick Flood Protection = The bot watches for a nick flood. You don't have to specify a certain channel. * Variables = C-Script uses the variable feature for various things. * RAW = C-Script uses the new RAW feature for various things. * No editing = The bot uses DDE to find your nick. So don't worry about having to add a nick anywhere. * Bot's Self Add = Now when the bot connects to IRC it automatically adds its master to the correct level. * Saves you and the creators a lot of headaches. * Un-shootlist, ban, Boss re-add = If for some reason the bot puts you on ignore or shootlist, this command will undo all damage done. The command is located in Main Window pop ups under C-Bot. Name: Clear Shootlist on Boss. * Has a site ignore and un-site ignore capabilities. * -SEEN- = This command remembers nicks that Join and Part your channel. It will tell someone if you have Seen the person they are looking for if they type "SEEN in your channel. * {SEEN Maintenance} - Like once every 1-2 weeks, I would erase all the .txt documents in the SEEN directory. (note each .txt is only aproximently 100 bytes) * -PAGER- = This feature is activated when you set your self away. If someone queries you when your set away, it will automatically tell them that your away and will tell them to type "+page ." Once they have done this, their msg will be saved in a text document, a .wav will play and a timer will be activated. Then every so many secs you will receive a notice telling you that you have a msg waiting for the nick who sent it. Type /TO to the notice off then /playmsg to view the msg. * {Pager Maintenance} - Simple after a few msges just erase all the .txt in the page directory. * -LINK- = This feature allows you to link 2 channels from different nets together. * -ON LINE HELP- = This feature gives you help with commands that are in the remote. Test it out...Type /CHELP and it will tell you what to do from there. (note The CHELP.txt is used for this so Do Not Alter It) * DCC HELP = This feature allows anyone to get help from the Bot itself by typing +help in any channel your Bots in. Your Bot will then automatically begin a DCC CHAT session with the individual. (note the Bot uses the DCC.txt for this so Do Not Alter It) * TONS OF OTHER COMMANDS = As you will find the more you use C-Script! 2.1 Commands As we said before, all the commands are in DDE for the master. We will only explain the commands for the master. LEVEL 200: ALL COMMANDS CAN ALSO BE USED INSIDE A QUERY OR MESSAGE WINDOW (when doing so you MUST include all parms. eg. +op #MyChan Chris) +access +stats +time +topic +up +down +op +deop +voice +devoice +commands +seen LEVEL 300: +add200 +invite LEVEL 400: +say +join +leave +cycle +kick +ban +unban +add300 +add400 +chanlog +botlog +scan LEVEL 500: +mb +bk +UnSiteBan +spawn +create +auser +add500 +ruser +shoot +bw +msg +nick +pro +rpro +hackpro +rhackpro +mymic +rmymic +ignore +siteignore +rignore +rsiteignore +idle +ridle +die +users +Exe Path +INI PATH +suspend +nckpro +rnckpro +channels +shutdown +swearkick +rswearkick +restore events noop +rnoop +botstats Remember that higher levels can access lower level commands also. +access = Will tell you your current access level...and if your the master it should show level 500 +stats = Shows you your current status. +time = Will show you the current time. +op = Use this to Op someone. +deop = Used to deop someone. +kick = Used to kick someone. +invite = Used to invite someone to a specified channel. +ban = Used to ban someone +BK = This will ban and kick the specified nick from your channel. +bw = Stands for Ban Who? This helps you to ban someone that's not on your channel. +MB = This is called MassBan. Its used to ban several people at once. +UnBan = Used to unban people. +shoot = If you use this you will shootlist the nick you typed. +say = If you type "+say Hi" your bot will say "Hi" :) +join <#channel> = Used to tell the bot to join a channel +nick = Tells the bot to change it's nick to whatever you typed +msg = this tells your bot to msg a nick and give them the msg you specified +leave <#channel> = Makes your bot leave the channel +cycle <#channel> = Makes the bot leave, then rejoin a channel +die = Makes your bot totally shut down and exit mIRC. +ruser = Removes a user from the bots user list. +auser = Adds a user to the user list. +spawn = This will make another Bot start using the spawn.ini (not recommended) +create = This will make another Bot Start up using the create.ini (not recommended) +pro = This gives your Bot Ultra-Flood Protection against CTCP request. It will ignore anyone who send it a request. +rpro = This Removes the Ultra-Flood Protection. +hackpro = This will protect the channel from Unwanted people getting Server Ops. +rhackpro = This Will turn Hack Protection OFF. +copy = This will tell your Bot to copy what you do. If you leave a channel it will leave to..If you quit IRC..It will also Quit. +rcopy = This will Turn Copy Mode OFF. +chanlog <#channel> = The bot will dcc you the BOT'S channel .log file. +mymic = This is a fun command. This will Say anything the specified nick says. EX. Hi! All! Hi! All! +seen = Just like your seen 2.1 Commands - continued +rmymic = This will remove the mymic from the specified nick. +ignore = Your Bot will ignore the specified nick. +rignore = This will remove the ignore from the specified nick. +siteignore = Your Bot will siteignore the specified nick. +rsiteignore = This will remove the siteignore from the specified nick. +idle = This is So your Bot Won't idle for ever. This commands makes your Bot say something every 100 secs +ridle = This removes the idle. +users = This is a DDE command. This tells you the names of the people on the Bot's channel. +EXE PATH = The Bot will tell you it's mIRC.exe Path +INI PATH = The Bot will tell you it's main .INI Path that it is using. +botlog = The bot will dcc you its channel events. +chanlog = The bot will dcc you its log of that certain channel. +Suspend = This will Suspend a user untill a certain time you specify. Example: +suspend Chris 5 14:30 = this will suspend the user till 2:30pm. (Note that it uses military time) You can only suspend users for a day. Once the clock hit's 12AM it automatically Unsuspends them. +Channels = The Bot will tell you what channels he is currently on. +ShutDown = This Command will make the Bot turn it's events totally off. This means it will not respond to anything. To turn the events back on there is a command in your query PopUps in the Bot Commands Section Under Special DDE called Bot Events On. Other Wise go to your Bot's copy of mIRC and type /events on +swearkick = This will make the Bot look for the Words that shouldn't be said. If the Bot sees one of these words it will warn the user who did it. If the user does it again the Bot Will Kick them. If the user decides to do it again, then the Bot will Kick and Ban him. +rswearkick = This removes the SwearKick feature. +add"N" = This command adds users to the Bot's User List at the Specified Level. Example: +add2 Girlie = The Bot would add Girlie to level 2. +restore events = This is a one time use command. If you screw up C-Bot's event's, you can restore them with this command. ( note: it uses BRevent.ini stands for BotRestore events ) Suggestion, Once you have restored the Bot's events, Make a copy of BRevent.ini and rename it to CBevent.ini . Then load the CBevent.ini again this way you can use the BRevent.ini again if need be. +scan = Will give you a complete list of Ops, NonOps, Voices, Enemies, IRCops, ect. +noop = Will turn the NOOP on. This means if anyone other than a level 500 tries to get ops or op someone else they won't be able to. +rnoop = Will turn the NOOP off. +botstats = The bot will give you its status. A note on Bots: Most IRC servers dont allow bots unless they are registered. Please look through the servers MOTD carefully to see what it says about bots. 2.2 Access Levels For C-BoT We use: 500 = Master Level 400 = Trusted Administer 300 = Trusted Friend 200 = Friend *All the other levels you will see are used for different things by the bot its self. It is recommended that you not change these levels. 500 = AutoOp, Protected Fully, and almost total control over the bot. 400 = AutoOp, Protected Well, and Good control of the bot. 300 = AutoOp, Protected Just a little, and OK control of the bot. 200 = AutoOp, Not protected, barely any control of the bot. 2.3 Link Bots Start the bots from the Main Window pop ups. When you click on Link1 it will open another copy of mIRC. This will usually switch your view to the new copy that just opened. Remember for both of the bots to DCC chat each other they must be on the same net. After that it doesn't matter what server's you place them on. * You must start Link1 before starting Link2: Let Link1 start. When it connects it will report in to you and tell you to start Link2. After Link2 starts, it will DCC CHAT Link1 automatically and report in to you. There is no editing like before. Now you have a couple of options once the link is established. * You can link two channels on the same net if you wish. * You can link two channels on a different net. Very easy, Have fun with it :) 2.4 Spy Bots Start SpyBots from the Main Window pop ups. It will connect to a server and report into you. Then it will try to DCC CHAT you. Accept the chat. The chat window is your spy window. After chat is established, send the bot into a channel you wish to spy on. The bot is capable of handling multiple channels at one. 2.5 Nick Collider Bots Start the Nick Collider bot in the main window pop ups. The trick with the Collider bot is to find a server that is lagged at least 4 secs from everyone else. After the bot starts and you have it on a lagged server, turn your Collide ON (In main popups under Collider Bot). Then YOU not the bot join the channel you wish to kill. Your bot never has to be in the same channel with you. It can just sit in the background somewhere. Anytime someone changes their nick in a channel the bot will attempt to collide with them. There must be lag for it to work. Believe me it does work. :) For More Information see... Disclaimer 3.1 Disclaimer I am requesting 5 (five) us dollars (in check or money order) for each copy of this script that is used. The $5.00 should cover the time it took me to write this script and my internet ISP account so I CAN write scripts like this. I feel that this script is well worth $5.00, but if you feel otherwise you are welcome not to pay it. Just please understand the time and money that goes into making a script like this. :) Send Check or Money order to: Seth Davis Rt 2 Box 100-B Crossville, TN 38555 Make the check/money order payable to Seth Davis. This will register you for all future upgrades! Thank you VERY much in advance! This is a very complex bot and is not intended for the use by "Newbies". If you do not know what a popup, alias or remote is, then please dont use this bot! If you insist on using it please do not contact me for help. The maker of the bot/script will not be held responsible if you get K-Lined, banned, kicked, deoped, killed, or even have computer problems or any reason as a result of using this Bot/Script. Some people complained that their bot shootlisted the owner on their favorite channel resulting in them being banned. Please understand it's not the developers fault that you gave someone high enough access to use the bot to do that. Basically, use it at your own risk. I would like to thank the following people: HizLight = Moastly for her friendship, but also for debugging, testing ect. Son = For his assistance with this document. Skywalker` = For finding some of those nasty little things known as bugs. YOU! YES THE ONE READING THIS = For getting this far in this document and for getting C-Script! 3.2 Comments and Bug reporting If you have any comments, bug reports, suggestions Good or Bad, please e-mail me at: sdavis@midtenn.net **NEW** Please visit the OFFICIAL C-Script Homepage for news, updates, bug patches, ect. at: http://www.midtenn.net/~sdavis/c-script.htm Please also visit my web page at: http://www.midtenn.net/~sdavis/ 3.3 Maintenance * Remove all files in the C:\C-Script\Page directory from time to time so it doesn't get to large * Same thing with the SEEN directory for the bot AND you, but try to clean it at least once a month. * Check the log directory for you and your bot and make sure you don't have "huge" logs taking up space. * The files.txt, kickrcrd.txt, banrcrd.txt, and C-BoTlog.txt may get very large so you may want to delete some lines in them. Have Fun!!!!! John 3:16 For God so loved the world that he gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life. John 15:5-8 I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing. If anyone does not remain in me, he is like a branch that is thrown away and withers; such branches are picked up, thrown into the fire and burned. If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be given you. This is to my Fathers glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples. John 14:6 Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." Mark 16:16 Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned.